Bringing a deep-sea canyon to life
In a year like no other, MBARI continued to explore the ocean and shed light on the mysteries hidden beneath Monterey Bay.
On the Horizon
In the coming year, MBARI will seek to develop new methods for remotely connecting to our at-sea expeditions, expand an ocean monitoring program, utilize eDNA to dive deeper into Monterey Bay, and share the story of the deep with Aquarium visitors.
Into the deep
A collection of rarely-seen deep-sea animals will soon be the centerpiece of a new exhibition at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Into the deep
Staying connected
Telepresence from MBARI’s research vessels has the potential to transform how we communicate our ocean discoveries to a broader audience.
Staying connected
Ocean monitoring
A new fleet of robotic floats will be launched throughout the global ocean for monitoring ocean health.
Ocean monitoring
Window into the ocean
Researchers are applying eDNA analysis to archived samples and unlocking a treasure trove of biological data.
Window into the ocean
Weird and Wonderful
The interesting, weird, and wonderful discoveries in the deep sea seem to be endless. This year we feature flashy squid, dueling ROVs, splashy stickers, and glowing corals.
Squid speak
MBARI researchers are decoding the communication behaviors of Humboldt squid.
Squid speak
Dueling ROVS
MBARI’s marine operations staff and ROV pilots performed an intricate robot ballet below the surface of Monterey Bay.
Dueling ROVS
Animal spotlight
Local Monterey artist Emily Hess created original illustrations for the first-ever MBARI stickers, highlighting some of the most memorable deep-dwellers.
Animal spotlight
A team of MBARI researchers filmed bioluminescence from various deep octocorals in their habitat for the first time.
2020 Award Recipients

Kelly Benoit-Bird
Medwin Prize in Acoustical Oceanography, Acoustical Society of America

Bruce Robison
Honorable Mention in a film Robison narrated, "Cephalopods: Aliens of the Deep," Jackson Wild Media Awards

Darrin Schultz
Honorable Mention, Student presentation at the Deep-Sea Biology eMeeting

MBARI’s Information and Technology Dissemination Division
2020 Marine Education Award for outstanding work and leadership by an organization
In Memoriam

Frank Press
A noted geophysicist and former member of MBARI’s Board of Directors, Frank Press served on MBARI’s Board from 1995 to 2004. From 1981 until 1993, Frank also served as president of the National Academy of Sciences, and in 1994 he was awarded the National Medal of Science. In 2004, MBARI researchers named a newly-discovered species of deep-sea worm in his honor.

Paul Tucker
Paul Tucker's energetic, enthusiastic, and friendly demeanor brought joy to many at MBARI. He worked just about every job on our vessels, including ROV pilot, deckhand, oiler, engineer, relief mate, and relief master, before transitioning to work as an electro-mechanical technician onshore. Paul retired in September 2017 after almost 24 years at MBARI.