Our team continued to build on more than three decades of innovation and discovery.
Animals of the Deep
From new discoveries to rare encounters, the deep sea fills us with awe and wonder. Meet some of the most remarkable denizens of the deep we observed last year.
A royal discovery
The deep-sea crown jelly Atolla is one of the most common residents of the ocean’s midnight zone.
A royal discovery
Ink impostors
When spooked by a predator, squids can quickly escape, leaving behind a shroud of ink.
Ink impostors
Deep-sea dragons
MBARI researchers captured this shimmering highfin dragonfish, Bathophilus flemingi, in stunning ultra high-definition 4K video.
Deep-sea dragons
A pelagic parent
These nurturing squid mothers carry their eggs until they hatch to improve their babies’ chances for survival.
A pelagic parent
2022 Award Recipients

Mariana Bernardi Bif
Editor’s Choice (August 2022) for "Controls on surface distributions of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in the southeast Pacific Ocean," Marine Chemistry
2022 Banse Scholar Award, University of Washington

Steven Haddock
Outstanding Alumni Award, Harvey Mudd College

Kakani Katija
H. Burr Steinbach Visiting Scholar, MIT-WHOI Joint Program

EyeRIS Team
Paul Roberts, Joost Daniels, Eric Orenstein, Denis Klimov, Jon Erickson, Richard Henthorn, Henry Ruhl, Alana Sherman, and Kakani Katija
Winner, Photo competition, 4th Marine Imaging Workshop
Winner, 2022 #Tech4Wildlife Photo Challenge, WILDLABS Community
In Memoriam

Chuck Baxter
Chuck Baxter was one of the four visionaries who first imagined our education and conservation partner, the Monterey Bay Aquarium. As a longtime marine biology lecturer at Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station, his passion for marine ecology helped shape MBARI’s research priorities, especially our studies of the Monterey Canyon.

Steve Etchemendy
As MBARI’s inaugural Director of Marine Operations, Steve Etchemendy played a major role in shaping the institute through its rise to prominence. He worked closely with our founder, David Packard, to implement a progressive yet practical approach to marine operations. Upon his retirement in 2015, he was the longest-serving member of our Management Team.

Natalie Fairchild
Natalie Fairchild was an administrative assistant in MBARI’s Marine Operations Division for 27 years. A valued team member, she helped coordinate the complicated logistics of our ships, robotic vehicles, and staff. She was always eager to lend a hand and never failed to share a smile and a laugh with her colleagues.

Gail Piper de Mesa
Gail Piper de Mesa worked at MBARI for more than a decade, first as an administrative assistant, then as the communications assistant for the Information and Technology Dissemination Division. She later joined our human resources team as the benefits specialist. Her can-do attitude and sunny disposition made an impact across the institute.

Karl Pister
As a member of our Board of Directors for 26 years, Karl Pister was a tireless champion for advancing engineering innovation at MBARI. The professor emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, and former UC Santa Cruz chancellor was also passionate about increasing access to higher education, especially for students from underrepresented backgrounds.