Annual Report

Our team continued to build on more than 35 years of innovation and discovery.

87 days at sea
56 AUV missions
2,147 kilometers mapped
52 ROV dives
241 hours of ROV video
486K video annotations
130K machine learning video localizations
55.6 petabytes of soundscape data downloaded
90 floats launched (SOCCOM/GO-BGC)
54 publications
150 presentations
106 mentorships
17 news stories
22 video productions
616K total social media followers
1 new species
Scholin Beach3

MBARI President and Chief Executive Officer reflects on the important milestones reached in 2023.

Learn more

2023 Award Recipients

Katija kakani 2

Kakani Katija

Marine Technology Society’s Compass Distinguished Achievement Award

Leitner Astrid

Astrid Leitner

Maxwell/Hanrahan Awards in Field Biology

Scholin Beach3

Chris Scholin

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation’s 2023 Panetta Sea Star

Troni Giancarlo2

Giancarlo Troni

Inspirational Teachers Award from the 2023 Mechanical Engineering Class PUC-Chile

In Memoriam

Duke University image 5716042 Richard Barber

Richard Barber

MBARI’S Inaugural Executive Director

MBARI’s inaugural Executive Director, Richard Barber, helped forge the character of a fledgling institution and played an important role in shaping MBARI’s mission to build and scale the innovative technology needed to understand and protect our ocean.